Confronting Trump Directly, Bishop Mariann Budde Showed that not All Religious Leaders are Spineless Sycophants
Confronting Trump directly, Bishop Mariann Budde Showed that…

Working Together: Feminist and Queer Theology in Conversation with Mary E. Hunt, Ph.D.
With gratitude to FutureChurch, we share their resources here:

Comparing Gender Transition and Surrogacy to War and Human Trafficking, Vatican's "Dignitas Infinta" Is An Intellectually Embarrassing and Harmful Mess
Comparing Gender Transition and Surrogacy to War and Human Trafficking,…

Moving the Center - The Church needs a new outlook on gender
Moving the Center
The Church needs a new outlook on gender

Interfaith Voices: "...we were all dressed up with nowhere to go."
Interfaith Voices: "...we were all dressed up with nowhere to…

Seminar on the Spanish translation of Mary Daly's PURE LUST by Antonina Wozna
"Seminar on the Spanish translation of Mary Daly's PURE LUST…

The Catholic Synod Offers Little Hope for Real Change in the Church
View article here!

Rosemary Radford Ruether: First Impressions and Lasting Impacts
Rosemary Radford Ruether: First Impressions and Lasting Impacts